Masa Visible System

The Masa system was invented by a Spanish company active in the field of design and production of installation fittings. Masa system clamps for porcelain ceramic installation are in such a way that its body is placed completely behind the panel, but the ceramic holding edge is visible on the panel, and for this reason, this method is in the group of visible installation systems. There are different types of clamps in this system that change their appearance depending on their position in the installation system. The clamps play the role of holding the panel and are connected to the system components with a mechanical structure, allowing easy replacement of the ceramic facade in any part. Masa system is designed for panels with low thickness and there is no need to machine the panel. The optimal mode of using this system is horizontal arrangement with horizontal and vertical bands along the same length. The Masa system has a metal spring and shock absorber that prevents the panels from vibrating.
The Masa method is the most stable and safest method in the implementation of the outer shell of the building, and for this reason, it is highly welcomed by consultants and builders.

Masa System Products

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Simplicity of high-speed connections and resistance to weather conditions

The possibility of implementing large and heavy panels

The ability to run the panel in arc mode and the maintenance is very convenient and cheap.